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  • 餐厅
  • 杰斯·兰德
  • 2021年1月2日
  • <水疗中心n>22106
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After a challenging 2020 that included not only a pandemic, but several devastating wildfires, ag体育正规 应该是你2021年旅行清单上的首选吗. 尽管困难重重, plenty of exciting new businesses — from 餐厅 and hotels to wineries and boutique 商店 — opened their doors recently to further diversify 纳帕’s world-class offerings in all things wine, 食物, 和R&R.

While this Wine Country destination is unfortunately kicking off the new year under lockdown due to Covid-19, ag体育正规 is expected to safely reopen to visitors by mid-to-late January and the time to start planning is now.

请注意:纳帕县目前处于居家令之下. Non-essential travel is prohibited, but hotels are accepting reservations for future stays. 请浏览我们的 Covid新闻页面 了解更多信息和更新.


的re are three new hotels for you to consider when booking your ag体育正规 accommodations. Bann在橡树山纳帕 is a sweet little bed and breakfast that looks nothing like any other hotel in the area. 以前是橡树山庄酒店, Bann is decorated to reflect the traditional design of homes found in three different regions in Thailand. Each room and suite is unique with bright colors and an array of fun textures, 材料, 和模式. 这处房产有供休闲的露台和藤架, 游泳池和水疗中心, 并提供免费早餐和下午茶服务.


ag体育正规’s northernmost and arguably-sleepiest town of Calistoga is in the middle of a renaissance, 这在一定程度上要归功于新, 豪华酒店. 卡利斯托加最古老的度假胜地之一,Dr. 威尔金森的, has just wrapped up a head-to-toe renovation and will be open for reservations starting mid-January. 的 resort dates back to 1952 and was allegedly the town’s original wellness resort that tourists sought out for relaxation in the spring-fed mineral pools and mud baths. Post-makeover, Dr. 威尔金森后院度假村 & 矿物温泉 stays true to its roots — and the iconic neon sign remains — but now it’s all shiny, 当代, 而且是全新的,非常时髦, 重新设计的水疗中心和餐厅, 更好的房子.

由博士提供. 威尔金森后院度假村 & 矿物温泉

四季度假村和住宅ag体育正规 on the edge of downtown Calistoga (Take the Silverado Trail north from 纳帕 until it ends) was set to open in 2020, 但就像许多新业务一样, 由于Covid-19大流行,它们被推迟了. 该度假村目前计划于2021年初开放,并设有游泳池, 水疗中心, 多种餐饮选择, 甚至还有一个酿酒厂, 由ag体育正规顶级酿酒师托马斯·里弗·布朗经营, who’s been awarded 23 100-point scores from wine critic Robert Parker throughout his career. 当您预订时, 找一间葡萄园景观房,放松一下, 光线充足的住宿配有拱形天花板, 客房壁炉, 还有葡萄园和帕利塞德山脉的美景.




这里有一些新的ag体育正规酒庄可供参观和品尝. 请注意:这些都是预约的. 最令人兴奋的新酒庄之一是 浮士德Haus, a four-year restoration project in an 1800s Victorian that sits on a hilltop overlooking Hwy 29. 这是长期纳帕赤霞珠品牌Faust Wines的第一个家, which specializes in wines from ag体育正规’s up-and-coming Coombsville AVA. 下面的山谷和葡萄园的景色无与伦比, 而老道的人, 简单的, 有时,折衷的室内设计是设计爱好者的梦想. 在你离开之前一定要检查一下禁酒令时期的酒窖.

想要品尝低调的高端葡萄酒,可以到 Oasis by Hoopes, which has stripped away all pomp and circumstance in favor of a more casual atmosphere featuring a regenerative farm, 花园, 气流, 农场站, 还有动物保护区(他们有一头驴), 火鸡, 鸡, 山羊, 和更多).


布里 是独一无二的,因为所有者没有招募一个人, 而是三位纳帕酿酒师, each focused on crafting a single-vineyard cabernet sauvignon from a region of ag体育正规 that they’re most familiar with. 酿酒厂和品酒室, 哪一个在2020年底对游客开放, have been built into a carefully restored bank barn (one of just two remaining in California), offering a one-of-a-kind tasting experience that takes place far off the main road with a view of the estate vineyards.

在圣. 海伦娜,历史悠久的家族葡萄酒品牌 朗 & 里德 recently opened 一个新的, cozy tasting salon just a block off the town’s Main Street. 朗 & 里德的做法不同, 主要生产品丽珠和白诗南, two grape varieties you won’t find bottled by themselves too often in ag体育正规. Sit out on the quiet front porch of the tasting room and sip away the afternoon in the bucolic St. 海伦娜,你做完之后还可以去购物和吃饭.

由ag体育正规品牌| Tubay Yabut提供

最后, ag体育正规品牌 技术上来说并不新鲜, 但它确实有了新的主人, 该公司在2020年公布了一个令人惊叹的酿酒厂和品酒室的重新设计. 坐落在纳帕著名的普里查德山上, this is definitely one of those off-the-beaten-path gems for fine wine lovers and collectors.


Salt and acid are scientifically proven to be a great culinary match and this concept has inspired a trio of ag体育正规 wineries to experiment with a different kind of 食物 and wine pairing experience. Shaking things up from the standard wine and cheese experiences in Wine Country, 推诿酒窖, 银三叉戟酒厂, 马卡姆葡萄园 都推出了独特的、超级休闲的葡萄酒和薯片搭配吗. 每款葡萄酒都精心搭配了不同口味的薯片, 比如Shadowbox的干陈年Ribeye或夏威夷红海盐.



的re are two new wine bars in 纳帕 and each is specifically catered to a certain type of wine lover. 酒吧露西娅 在牛轭公共市场,所有的东西都是粉红色的. 顾客们可以全年与十几个当地餐馆一起光顾, 小生产rosés生产方式有几种:尚, 闪闪发光的, 冻, 有时也装在罐子里. 的re are a handful of whites and reds for those who are feeling more traditional and as for 食物, 酒吧露西娅有小盘子,比如蘸酱和熟食板, 沙拉, 和三明治.


正如它的名字一样, 是泡沫 in downtown 纳帕 proves that 闪闪发光的 wine isn’t just for special occasions. 菜单上有来自世界各地的香槟, prosecco, 静脉, 还有更多——小口就能吃到各种价位的鱼子酱, 熟食店, 潇洒的棍子, 等.)成对.

来自是泡沫 b| Bryan Gray


如果你在ag体育正规(ag体育正规)旅行期间需要一个味蕾净化,那就去新开的吧 加州白兰地屋该餐厅于2020年底在市中心的第一街纳帕(纳帕第一街)开业. Sip through a flight of California’s luxury brandies made from California wine grapes — including single-barrel samples that you can’t get anywhere else — from producers Argonaut and Germain-Robin. You can even take home a custom-engraved bottle to enjoy throughout the rest of the year (or give as a gift).


EmpressM, 一个新的, 高级点心和中餐厅, 提供传统菜肴,庆祝“八大菜系”,包括北京烤鸭, 四川麻辣鱼, 蒙古羊排. 点心盘里有菠菜等素食选择, 雪豌豆, 还有蘑菇饺子, 海鲜, 更大胆的尝试, 像鸡爪.

皇后酒店就在 La Cheve, 墨西哥面包店, 啤酒厂, restaurant that opened this past summer inside 纳帕’s oldest building, 一座建于1845年的土坯建筑. 这种啤酒是由老板辛蒂亚·西斯内罗斯自己酿造的, 还有她的母亲, 妈妈胡安娜, 做所有的糕点, 包括里面有酒的.

由La Cheve提供

For a quick, yet fulfilling bite between tastings, grab some authentic, Argentine empanadas from El Porteno 像牛肉的味道, 马拉多纳(西红柿, 罗勒, 和马苏里拉奶酪), 和芦笋, 烤红辣椒, 英国产的). El Porteno built up a loyal following at the Ferry Building in San Francisco and is now the newest vendor at the Oxbow Public Market with its second brick and mortar.

ag体育正规则以沉闷和夜生活有限而闻名, 一个新的 card room and restaurant is opening to kick-off 2021 with a little more action. 在室外操作(目前), 王牌 & 葡萄树 营业到凌晨两点.m. 并设有21点,德州扑克和百家乐桌. 食物和饮料可以从甲板上订购, serving up Asian and comfort 食物 fusion dishes like lobster fish and chips, 点心式蒸三文鱼篮, 还有辣五花肉和木瓜沙拉的南托汉堡.


在春天, 卡利斯托加汽车旅馆 & 水疗中心 会开一家叫 弗利特伍德, 专注于原创工艺鸡尾酒和农场到餐桌, wood-fired pizzas — which hotel guests can even order poolside — like Potato Leek with taleggio, 培根, 辣椒片, 帕尔马干酪或蒜蓉烤鸡, 芦笋, pepperoncini, 柠檬, 和香草. 至于甜点,甚至还有一个9英寸的柴火饼干.


纳帕第一街, 高端, 户外购物区充满了当地的精品零售商, 继续在纳帕市中心发展和演变. 2020年有大量新店开业,确切地说是13家, making this destination worthy of an afternoon visit (there are plenty of 餐厅 and tasting rooms there, +酒店, ). 值得注意的新来者包括 蜂蜜威士忌, I-Elle, 泰河 & 格蕾丝 服装精品店, 丽的植物, 油漆钉棒. 这里也有一些全国知名的品牌可供选择, 纳帕第一街 just announced that Anthropologie will be opening in mid-2021.


有这么多美丽的新酒厂, 餐厅, 商店, 以及ag体育正规葡萄酒之乡值得探索的酒店, this is the perfect destination for dipping your toes back in the travel game after a long year away.





杰斯·兰德是一名自由职业葡萄酒师, 食物 and travel writer based in ag体育正规 and exploring all things California wine country. 在Instagram上关注她 @willwrite4wine 去纳帕和索诺玛旅游.